There is growing trend to use technology to improve overall administration, registration and management of examinations conducted across various institutes, cities with some of the examinations being conducted nationwide. India is such large country with student population in millions and some of the examinations receive millions of registrations. Technology is going to be backbone of successful management of such examinations and registration processes.

1. Online Registrations with Online Form /Exam Fee payment:
Some of the institutes have started accepting online applications along with demand draft of the students to accept student’s application for the examination. Still technology is not used to its full potential. It is possible to use online registrations and accept online payments using multiple options of credit cards, debit card, mobile payments and even use cash voucher payments (vouchers are popularly being used by mobile companies for their recharge services. Such service can be effectively used in case of form fee payments as well.)
2. Online Examination Scheduling :
Traditional examination management has its own limitations in terms of huge infrastructure, hiring of the examination supervisors, printing of examination papers along with answer sheets, distribution and collection of answer sheets, management of exam results and scheduling candidate admissions.
Technology can certainly play key role to simplify this process with online registrations, online scheduling of the examination, online examination process with 100% accuracy in terms of result generation and merit list preparation.
3. Communication with applicants over email and sms :
Technology can help educational entities to communicate with applicants over email and sms to inform about misc things related to exams, schedules, any change in date and time etc.
Professional way of such communication helps applicants to reduce anxiety and confusion and it also simplifies overall communication and change management process.
Online examination and assessment is the way of future and it is going to give 100% accuracy in terms of ranking and result generations and educational entities must consider technology like Eklavvya to manage examination processes.
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