Student assessment and evaluation is crucial step in overall student assessment, understanding strong, weak areas. Proper assessment process helps student to get proper feedback for Competency Level,weak areas and based on such reports overall improvement can be targeted. Many institutes, finishing schools are trying to use technology in student assessments and conducting online evaluation tests.
Use of technology in student assessment helps institute to improve accuracy , reduce administrative cost significantly and such model is scalable to accommodate more number of students for the evaluation process. Students also find it easy to appear for online assessment process and it can also provide you instant feedback,analysis, result and ranking of whole batch. It certainly reduces overall timeline of managing evaluation/examination process of the student.
Online assessment also takes study on the fast track for the student. There comes significant positive shift in overall learning process and learning /evaluation process becomes enjoyable experience.
Knowledge management is also important area in the education where technology can be effectively used to improve knowledge sharing process. Most of the times notice board, knowledge journals , professor’s suggestions goes unnoticed and education institutes fail to set standard mechanism for knowledge sharing and management among students, faculty. Technology can effectively make overall knowledge management process simpler.