Education Technology is on the rise. It has become important for schools to adopt technology in order to rise to the occasion. Technology is providing many benefits including simplification process, reduction in infrastructure cost, management of digital learning.

Technology is scalable and you can reduce cost of the infrastructure associated with your school. 

Many times we see lack of co ordination between student, parents and school. Sometimes progress record, attendance record, exam time table never communicated to various entities properly.

There are many innovative ways using which we can improve it. Usage of technology is essential to manage it in effective way. Currently many schools are sending push SMS to parent community to update about various activities. Still individual level notice and feedback is missing.

Online classes are here to stay. Many institutes are getting benefits of decrease in infrastructure cost, reduction in logistical activities and better learning experience.

Here is one of the video about current trends associated with adoption of live classes technology

Secure Online Exams for students

Apart from learning, examination process is also becoming tech savy with secure online proctored exams.

Many schools across the world are adopting secure online assessment approach in order to assess students securely.

Here is one such video which explains how online exams are managed for schools

Online Exams in Regional Language

Apart from traditional English language, there is also demand for management of online exams in regional languages like hindi, tamil, gujarati etc.

Here is one such video which explains how to manage regional online exam process

Paperless and Digital Admission Process

Schools should also adopt technology to convert their admission and fee collection process in an paper less manner.

Oral/ Viva Tests

Schools can also use technology like Eklavvya to manage viva or oral assessments of the students.

All responses of students are recorded and can be referred at later point of time.

