Year 2021 is going to be exciting with India embracing digitalization and becoming techno savvy. Sale of smart phones, android phones, ePad, iPad, Touch Pads, etc.  is increasing and life without those gadgets is becoming impossible for the younger generation.

According to latest reports Mobile internet users in India is going to reach around 900 million by the end of year 2025. This is encouraging news for sectors which are dependent on the use of mobile phones and penetration of internet.

Education sector has not tapped the opportunity of this internet, mobiles and other devices boom. Currently education sector of India including school, K12 and Higher Education lacks social ability due to shortage of good quality faculty / skilled human resource.

Technology can provide great opportunity to overcome such hurdles and reach out to more number of students. Adopting different technological trends in education is important as it will not only help to smoothen out the teaching-learning activities but also improve the quality of the education.

In this blog, we are going to discuss about these trends. Here are some of the top emerging trends in the field of EdTech.

Digital learning having good quality content, animated images or gifs and interactive charts are becoming popular among the students. Digital learning is becoming a norm for many institutes mainly for Distance Education, Executive Education, Management Development Courses in the areas of Finance, Digital Marketing, etc.

Even in case of pre-schools it is becoming easier to teach some of the complex concepts in Science and Mathematics. Digital learning is also going to be enabled for niche courses like English Language Training, Foreign Languages such as German, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish Training and Soft Skills training.

2. Android App/ Windows App

With most of the younger generation increasingly using Smart Phones, Android/ Windows App market is picking up. Similar to US where iPhone Apps are very popular, Indian App market is opening up slowly for Android technology by increasing the number of Android/Java Enabled phones in the market.

The usability and user-friendliness of these phones has lead to an increase in the sales. People have already started downloading free apps which were related to games, news etc.

In the coming days usage of paid apps is going to increase and people would find it convenient to buy paid educational apps right from schools to higher education.

3. ePad/ iPad Based Learning

Cost of the tablet PC is coming down to as low as Rs. 3500! Thus, day by day technology is becoming affordable as well as accessible.

Many companies have also come up with Tablet PC embedded with educational contents like lecture series, tutorials and assessments for the exam preparation.

This market is mainly open for competitive examinations like IIT JEE, GMAT, GRE, etc. Such innovative method reduces cost of education and makes it affordable for everyone including in the rural population in the country.

4. Mobile Phone

People usually prefer using their mobile phones for internet browsing. With more number of people using internet on their mobile phones, most of the websites are providing mobile version of their site.

With mobile site there is a limitation in terms of user interface/ resolution. However it also brings additional opportunity for the organizations to reach out to new customer base. Education sector is still lagging behind in terms of mobile sites and need to be proactive for such initiatives.

5. Interactive Self Assessment

An online platform like Eklavvya has enhanced self learning process. In such case individual who is looking to practicing for objective questions based exams like NEET, MPSC, UPSC, MHTCET, etc. can use Eklavvya CD based Solution to analyze individual performance.

Technology also provides information about strong and weak areas of the student. It helps the student to focus on weaker areas for improvement. Student can appear for indefinite number of exams /Test Series to analyze their own performance over the period of time.

Such assessment process is the easiest way to understand own performance and benchmark it against group performance or the selection criteria.

Online Assessment and Analysis of Exam
Online Assessment and Analysis of Exam


