Dr. Ganesh Visavale – General Manager, LearnCAx.com
Dr. Ganesh Visavale is a leading researcher in computational engineering, sustainable energy and its application in process industry. He leads the CAx training wing of CCTech. Ganesh has a number of publications both in international journal and conference proceedings. Before CCTech, he held the

position of Associate Scientist in solar thermal division at Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute, Anand.
Dr. Visavale holds Ph.D and M.Chem. Engineering from Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai (formerly UDCT Mumbai).
1. Could you tell us in brief about the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) domain & it’s applications in the industry?
Computational Fluid Dynamics or simply CFD is an art/method/science/technique of solving mathematical equations governing different physics including flow of fluid, flow of heat, chemical reactions, phase change and many other phenomena. There are two traditional methods for studying any physics, one the conventional experimental method and other the analytical method. As far as physics of fluid flow is concerned, the experimental method is called as Experimental Fluid Dynamics (EFD) and the analytical method is called as Analytical Fluid Dynamics (AFD). For more details go to: http://www.learncax.com/blog/category/cfd-basics/
2. Which are the leading software applications in the domain of CFD those are widely used in the industry?
Ansys FLUENT, Ansys CFX, Star CD, Star CCM, Flow 3D, Comsol
3. Could you share some facts about LearnCax & it’s offerings that will excite our readers?
- LearnCAx is anytime, anywhere learning
- You get the training from industry experts/ IIT-B Alumni
- You get learning/ project support for 4 months
- For more details: http://www.learncax.com/training/index.php/features
4. How your institute is unique in terms of Courses, Curriculum & Approach to the subject?
We provide software based training (Ansys FLUENT, Ansys ICEM CFD) and CAD software development courses.
5. What is your point of view on ‘employability’?
The certificate courses by us will definitely help a candidate increase his employability in design engineering market.
6. How your course helps the fresh engineers as well as the working engineers?
Our courses provide an opportunity for a person to pursue their career as a CFD engineer otherwise only available for people who qualify for M.Tech at IITs.For a working professional we provide an opportunity to make a switch over from a non-cfd job to cfd engineer/ design engineer through our training and certification.
7. Do you provide with the placement assistance after the course?
We do not provide with placement assistance after our course, however the candidate can have the best fundamental training from us to build his profile of his choice (heat-exchangers, HVAC, design engineer, cfd engineer, cfd analyst…)
8. What advice you would like to offer to fresh graduate engineers ?
Students who wish to do their projects in CFD (B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.D) should do it very well with a good understanding of physics behind it so as to have a better career prospects in job market.
To view the course details & to register for the courses of Basic & Advance CFD –Visit Today! http://www.epravesh.com/LearnCax/LearnCax.aspx . You can also make the payment online.