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Successful Implementation of Online Admission
About MES Group
The City of Pune, today is known as the nucleus of education. The city owes this reputation to several educational institutes. The Maharashtra Education Society holds an important share. In 1860 Maharashtra Education Society (MES) formerly called as Poona Native Institutions was founded by Vaman Prabhakar Bhave, Vasudev Balvant Phadke, and Laxman Narhar Indapurkar. MES is the leading entity that provides complete education from K.G. to P.G. Abasaheb Garware College, Renuka Swaroop Memorial Girls School, Balshikshan Mandir, Institute of Management and Career Courses are the few names to understand MES™ roots in to education.
Admission Process

Traditional Admission Process
Traditionally each institute used to conduct independent admission process for various streams. There were cases where student had to submit multiple admission forms for various streams including B Sc/ BCS/ BBA. Each department used to manage admission process for their stream. Their process included various steps of news paper advertisement, inviting applications from students, sale of admission form, accepting filled form and collecting documents like marksheet, leaving certificate, demand draft (in some cases conducting entrance examination for selection of candidates in BBA/ MCS/ MBA etc).
Manual Execution of Admission
Each step of admission process involved supporting teams /staff to assist students and execute admission process smoothly. Student had to visit institute to keep track and get update of admission process every time (during Form Filling, Provisional merit List, First Round admission, Wait List , Fee Payment etc). Each execution involved manual assistance to the student to resolve queries related to admission.
Usage of ePravesh ® for Online Admission Management
Since 2012 onwards MES has started usage of Online Admission Process with the help of ePravesh® platform. MES gradually executed various admission process online for institutes including some of the schools, under graduate institute and post graduation courses. Entrance examinations were also conducted online to select right candidates from the list of applicants for courses including MCS/MCA/ BBA/BCA/.
Advantages of Online Admission System and Online Assessment
• MES is able to extract lot of advantage due to using Online Admission System platform
• MES is able to track admission process of all institutes under single system.
• Paperwork has reduced due to online process
• Errors associated with manual work has been reduced significantly.
• Students grievance / complaint related to admission process are reduced and MES received positive feedback from the students for their system.
• Online Assessment for the candidate selection has reduced cost of managing examination. MES has decided to use Online Assessment for their internal tests of the students for various undergraduate and post graduate courses

Speaking about this experience Chief Officer Mr. Valsangkar has said “ ePravesh® and Eklavvya has helped us to remove complexities of admission process, Entire process has become seamless and students/ parents are also happy about simplified admission process” Online Admission Platform is an award winning online Admission platform currently used by 100+ Institutes, universities, schools across India. Institute can register on as marketplace, define courses and start collecting online applications and payments instantly. provides seamless integration with your website and other systems of your Institute. Register on today.