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Traditional Examination System
Examination is an age old practice to assess the knowledge of students and to certify them for further studies or to get the job. It is the outcome of examinations that decides the career path and future direction of students. If one observes human nature in general, there is a common tendency to surpass the competitors by hook or by crook. This is the reason why malpractices associated with exams are as old as exams themselves. But as there is increase in enrollment and competition among students to get better employment, number of instances of malpractices is on increase for last couple of decades.
In traditional examination system question papers are set by assigned teachers, they are checked by a senior professor/exam chief and then the question papers are sent for printing. The printed bundles are stored in a safety vaults at the institutions and are handed over to supervisors some time before the examination. Supervisors then distribute the question papers to the students sitting in the examination hall. In this process, at each and every step there are ample chances of cheating and malpractices. Examination malpractices may occur within the examination hall and also outside the hall. They can be observed before, during and after the exams.
Limitations of Traditional Exam Process
These malpractices are of various types. Bringing in already written answer-sheets, copying from text books/notebooks, impersonation, mass cheating, terrorizing or assault on supervisors, fake mark-sheets are some of the common malpractices followed by students. Institutions/teaching staff also follow malpractices. Favoritism, partiality, giving clues or leakage of entire question papers to some selected students, taking bribes for manipulating results are some of the common frauds at institutional level. Educational frauds are nothing but a corruption, even worse than corruption in any other area. Educational malpractices are social threats. They not only question credentials of educational institutes but try to disturb social well- being. Educational malpractices demotivate innocent and sincere students and provide a human resource that lacks morality.
Technology Advantage for Assessment Process
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has provided a very effective tool to curb educational malpractices and manage the entire examination process. Since the entire examination process is computer based, there is no human interference.
[arve url=”” align=”center” /]Online examination system assures students about 100% transparency and adds to credibility of educational institutions. Since results are generated through well-formulated software, there is no scope for manipulation.
More and more institutions, especially those in higher education are now opting for online examinations. Besides controlling the corrupt practices, online examinations also provide hassle free experience to students and institutions as well.
Online exam pattern saves energy and time of admin/exam departments and leaves no space for any kind of mistrust on the academic system as a whole.
Today when India is going digital, it is a need of hour to follow online examination system that gives wholesome promise to minimize educational corruption.