Admission process mistakes

Admission process is key touch point for students with education institute. Education institute should ensure that admission process is easy and should help students to fill admission form without any kind of hassle.

Admission process is becoming online and techs savy according to student requirements. Students using smart phones and are accessing institute admission forms and website using mobile phones.

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Simplified admission process can help institute or university to build brand amongst students as it can improve perception of education institution in student minds.

However there are some of the key things you must ensure to execute admission process without any glitches. Below are some of the biggest mistakes should be avoided during implementation of online admission system.

5 mistakes to avoid during online admission process

1.Not Providing Admission form in Native Language

Admission process is key entry point. Some of the students might be applying for courses specific to regional language like Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telgu etc.

Admission form in English language can be major hindrance for student satisfaction and overall admission process.

Online Admission form should be made available in regional languages to reduce queries, anxiety of the students.

Many educational entities implement online admission process which is available only in English Language.

Support for regional language student is also missing. It creates confusion and frustration for the students. It can lead to online admission process failure.

Admission Form in native language

ePravesh platform helps institutes to define online admission form in regional languages. Students can see admission form fields in regional language along with English. It helps them understanding form entities. Providing sample admission form also helps students to understand how to fill online admission form.

2. Not focusing on resolving Student queries or concerns

Student Query Resolution During Admission Process

Admission process can create confusion, queries for the students. There should be professional mechanism to resolve student queries.

There are instances where thousands of students tries to apply for particular course of the university , during this process some of the queries remain unresolved. Students are unable to call phone number as line gets busy and other mechanisms of query resolution live Live Chat, Email are missing for many universities.

It can lead to failure of admission process. Many students and parents end up complaining to higher authorities for admission queries.

There should be standardized process to resolve queries of the students. Query resolution should be time bound and proactive. It helps to reduce anxiety of the students. They can apply for admission process without any kind of queries and concerns.

Technology like chatbot are also helping institutes to simplify and automate student query management process. Chatbot works for 24 hours a day and it can easily manage to resolve frequently asked concerns or queries of the students.

Chatbot gets trained based on inputs and queries of the students. Common queries are resolved instantly over live chat session. It accelerates query resolution process for the students.

ePravesh has successfully implemented online chatbot for many education institutes and universities. It is helping them to automate and simplify query resolution process.

3. Not Providing training to all stakeholders

Online Admission Training

Online Admission Process has many stakeholders including counseling team, students, admission technical support team, institute staff, Vice Principal, Registrar.

All those entities are crucial for the success of admission process. Prior training before starting online admission process is must for all stakeholders. If they are not able to understand how to use system effectively then it can create confusion and can lead to manual errors in admission process.

Many education institutions implement online admission process without taking into confidence of stakeholders.

It can result in in appropriate usage of the system and can result in online admission process failure.

Proper training to stake holders is must for success of online admission process. Training can be provided in the form of How to Video, reference training documentation, mock process orientation.

ePravesh team provides training to all stakeholders prior to starting admission cycle. Training helps individuals to understand detailed functionality of the system. It leads to accuracy in implementation of online admission process.

4. Not focusing on admission data and analytics

Admission Data ANalytics for decisions

Admission data generate lot of information and some of the statistics is key for admission process success. It can help institutes to define further course of action for marketing of their courses in specific regions or cities.

Many institutes ignore important historical statistical data of admission process like category wise applicants, regional distribution, city or pin code wise applicant distribution, male female ratio. Ignoring such data can lead to lack of clarity for the institute about progress of their admission cycle and projected number applicants likely to apply for their course.

ePravesh platform helps to analyze all statistical information of like category wise applicants, regional distribution, city or pin code wise applicant distribution, male female ratio.

It helps to understand how institute course is performance, what is overall popularity of the course. Historical data can be useful while defining marketing activity of the institute to attract more number of students based on specific region, city or pin code.

5. Not focusing on continuous communication with students

Student communication during admission process

Admission process is time bound activity. There are various steps including online registration, form fee payment, merit list, student grievance, First installment of fee payment, admission cancellation, second round merit list, rejection list. All those events are highly time bound and students or parents should be communicated about each of the event using various modes of communication.

There are many universities who just publish admission list on institute notice board or on some link on website.

They do not communicate with students about it using various mediums like email,  sms. It usually results in many students skipping time bound admission information.

It can cause missed opportunity of taking admission within specified  date and time. It would result in dis satisfaction for the students and parents.

Email, SMS, live notifications, online notice board should be used for effective communication with prospective  students. Proactive  communication helps students to understand various deadlines. It can help them to complete various time bound activities to avoid last minute hurry.

ePravesh platform helps institutes and universities to define communication strategy and for each of the admission event of fee payment, merit list publishing, admission cancellations etc students are communicated over email, sms and personal notification. It helps to avoid delays in reaching admission notification to students.

Following are some of the key events of admission process and proactive , personalized communication is essential to avoid admission process failure.

A. Admission Process Details

Admission notice should be broadcasted or effectively communicated to student community. Institutes can use social media channels for cost effective communication along with email and sms modes.

B. Admission Process Dates with deadlines

Entire admission cycle along with deadline for each process should be defined clearly without any confusion. It can be broadcasted or communicated clearly to each applicant or student who is registering for the admission process.

C. Merit List Publishing

When-ever institute is publishing merit list it should be communicated to all applicants using various channels like email,sms, publishing online notice on website, communication over social media channels etc. Individual merit rank of the students should be available in respective login of the student. Student can login to check individual ranking in the merit list.

D. Student Grievance Communication

There should be proper mechanism of student grievance management. Student should be able to communicate or file grievance related to admission form, fee payment, incorrect information etc using online grievance system. ePravesh platform supports online grievance process which helps students to record grievance and keep track on its resolution. Admission team is able to manage all such grievances in professional manner within admission cycle deadline.

E. Admission Fee Payment

Admission fee payment date and total fee to be paid should be communicated to eligible students using personalized email and sms channels. Students would be able to make fee payment or first installment of their admission due to proactive communication strategy.

F. Admission Cancellation Confirmation

Admission cancellation is one of the key admission process. Lack of proper process for cancellation or refund of fee payment can lead to anger among students. ePravesh platform provides seamless cancellation process for the students as well as admin team of admission committee of the institute. It helps them to track number of cancellations and total vacant seats for the subsequent admission rounds.

G. Second Round Admission Merit List

Second or subsequent admission round notification should be communicated in professional manner using various channels of social media, email and sms communication process. It helps students to understand vacant seats available in the next rounds.


If you focus on basic things of proactive  communication, simplified admission process  then you can easily manage key process of online admission for your institution. Professional and simplified admission process helps in brand building of the institution and it can lead to more students applying for your courses.

