Online Training Enrollmet ProcessOnline Training Enrollmet Process

Online Training is gaining momentum as people are becoming techno savy. Usage of internet , smartphones is increasing. In india sale of smartphones and usage of internet over mobile devices is increasing from the last 2-3 years time. Education segment should keep in sync with the technology adoption and it has provided opportunity to scale teaching learning process with the use of technology. Technology can help educational and training institutes to scale quickly and reachout to more students. It is cost effective and quick way to introduce quality educational contents/ courses and certifications.
Here are 3 important steps to be taken to launch Online Training Courses

Online Training Enrollmet Process
Online Training Enrollmet Process

1. Define Online Enrollment Methodology

In order to reach out to more people , Admission process should be simple and online where student can login and submit online form and make form fee/ Course fee payments without any hassle of offline form filling process.
Simplified online admission process helps prospect to enroll to your course easily without following manual process of form filling. Online Form Filling can be effectively integrated in Social media advertisements to get more applicants for your course.

2. Share Course Contents/ study materials online and offline with students

Course contents can be delivered over online mode of internet and there should also be mechanism to deliver it offline mode. Platform like can help you to deliver contents online as well as in the form of CD which runs on single device and can not be copied to other devices to avoid copying of contents. Quality contents with techno delivery can help you to attract more students for the course.

3. Conduct Online Assessments of the students

Online assessment can help students to appear for the practice exams from any location. Technology like helps students to understand their strong and weak areas and students can work on the specific areas to improve their scores for the subsequent examinations. Online assessment also reduces cost of managing examinations and assessment process. Students get to know about result instantly after completion of the exam.

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Online Examination System

About Eklavvya is an Online Examination Platform used by many universities, Professional Training Institutes, Colleges to manage their Entrance Exams, internal assessments of the students. Currently more than 100,000 exams have been conducted on this platform. It is cloud based platform with autoscale facility to manage examinations of any scale.



Ninad Panse

-CEO DSK International Campus Pune helped us to enhance our examination process. Students are able to appear for the online exam without any difficulty and results are generated instantly. Eklavvya has helped us to save cost of conducting entrance examinations

