Jack Welch built a career out of fighting waste. 29 Leadership Secrets from Jack Welch follows in Welch’s footsteps, boiling the legendary CEO’s leadership successes down to 29 strategies that made GE the world’s most competitive companyand Welch the world’s most successful and admired CEO. This all-in-one Welch reference updates material from Robert Slater’s bestselling Get Better or Get Beaten, and is today’s ultimate fast-paced, no-nonsense handbook on the ways of Jack Welch. It taps into the heart of Welch’s courage, innovation, and leadership success by examining simple leadership secrets that include: Managing less is managing better Make quality the job of every employee Have global brains and vision
2.Asian LeaderShip That Works
This book describes the valuable insights and lessons gleaned from individual leaders and the organisations they lead. A useful reference for potential leaders, corporate honchos and management experts on leadership issues in organisations within Asia, it represents a significant contribution to research on the subject in the continent, which is home to a multitude of diverse cultures, languages and beliefs, as well as the unique challenges these pose to leaders in leading their organisations. Eight success factors and action domains that are crucial in leaders to enable them to navigate around the pitfalls of being a leader and a change agent in the organisations they lead. These are: 1. Creating customer-centric actions 2. Implementing strategy 3. Getting past the past 4. Governing through decision making 5. Inspiring collective meaning making 6. Capitalising on capability 7. Developing careers 8. Generating leaders
The Toyota Way
The Toyota Way, explain’s Toyota’s unique approach to Lean–the 14 management principles and philosophy that drive Toyota’s quality and efficiency-obsessed culture. You’ll gain valuable insights that can be applied to any organization and any business process, whether in services or manufacturing. Professor Jeffrey Liker has been studying Toyota for twenty years, and was given unprecedented access to Toyota executives, employees and factories, both in Japan and the United States, for this landmark work. The book is full of examples of the 14 fundamental principles at work in the Toyota culture, and how these principles create a culture of continuous learning and improvement. You’ll discover how the right combination of long-term philosophy, process, people, and problem solving can transform your organization into a Lean, learning enterprise–the Toyota Way.