Anand (18) has a flare for his family business but he eyes loopholes in operations which in turn is hampering its growth. He desires to come up with improvements but has very less Business knowledge to channelize. Priya (19) too has a great idea to capitalize on and wants to set up her own company but she is facing similar problems, a lack of Business know-how and the required skills to set a definite path.
Well, dreams of many face alike issues. Simultaneously, most of us really aspire to join a corporate firm at a young age, contribute being a part of its Management and add to their growth stories. With no or hardly any effective stimuli to assist, this is where courses like BBA (Bachelors in Business Administration) find its significance among the youth as one of the most popular choices.
Article Contents
#1 OK. So what does BBA offers?
The course aims to inculcate the right knowledge of various functional aspects of an operating business. The syllabus structure of this course is designed in such a way that it exposes students to various ‘core subjects’ like Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Operations Management, Marketing etc. developing not only their Managerial skills, Communication skills and Decision making capability but also adding to their personal development making them more confident to face business problems of various diverse fields. Students at a tender age are encouraged (in this course) to pick up a specialization and hone their skills further. A course structure around an ‘Internship’ as a practicing ground gives the students the necessary arena to apply their acquired knowledge and add to their armory some success stories of which they, themselves become a part of.
#2 Great! But how is BBA different from B.Com?
The point where BBA differs from B.Com is its prime focus on the Managerial aspects of business. Aspirants having a strong aptitude towards financial computations opt for B.Com to later become CA, ICWA etc. but BBA is for those having a liking towards Management, finding its relevance across sectors like IT, Manufacturing etc.
Considering Eligibility, on a broader level, while after passing out a 10+2 or equivalent examination one can opt for B.Com, the eligibility criteria for BBA is a little stringent requiring a passing percentage between 40-50% which varies from institute to institute.
#3 Understood. So now what are the Job Prospects post BBA?
Well known Multinational companies (MNCs) and several Mid-size companies eye BBAs as an investment at an early age to nurture them for current and future Managerial positions as Business Analyst, Marketing experts, Financial Analyst, Sales Manager, Consultants etc. Moreover, after BBA one can pursue further education in the form of an MBA (Master in Business Administration). Well known foreign universities also accept BBA as a course if the desire is to pursue further education abroad.
#4 Hmm. sounds appealing!
Right! So if you see yourself as any other Anand, Priya or as a budding aspirant seeking a career in corporate, look no further and register for a BBA course admission.