Everytime you visit website of the education institute, Read prospectus, read advertisements of various B Schools, you will get to know many accreditation, approvals messages. You might end up in confusion after looking at various accreditation of various institutes. Following information will provide you general information of accreditation authorities of India.

Most of the recruiters , job agencies usually look for various accreditation and approvals of B Schools during candidate selection. So it is important for students to understand meaning of various certification or grading authorities of India which can help them to select right course and right institute for the admission.
1. CRISIL: Reputed Rating authority like CRISIL has come up with grading service for education sector based on various parameters. Each course of educational institute (which has undertaken CRISIL grading process) is provided certain nationwide rating like National A***,National A**,National B *** etc.
CRISIL is India’s leading research company and rating/grading provided by CRISIL can be considered as benchmark to analyze B School and its course structure in terms of Industry Interface, Student Selection process, Curriculum,Faculty etc.
For more details of CRISIL grading list of institute you can check the link : B School Grading List
2. NAAC Accreditation: (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) : It is an autonomous body established by UGC for assessment and ratings for Higher education institutes across India.
NAAC assesses each institution based on following points
- Curricular Aspects
- Teaching-Learning and Evaluation
- Research, Consultancy and Extension
- Infrastructure and Learning Resources
- Student Support and Progression
- Governance and Leadership
- Innovative practices
NAAC provides grading to the institutes with grades like A+, A, B, B+. Any institute having A+ grade is considered as benchmark which has followed all the recommendations and framework of NAAC.
3. AICTE: (All India Council of Technical Education):
AICTE was formed as an advisory body for various matters of technical education.AICTE regulates and maintains norms of technical and higher education across India. It has defined standards which higher education institution must follow to get approved by AICTE.
Institution which has AICTE approval is considered to be following all the norms and standards set by AICTE in terms of faculty to student ration, infrastructure, curriculum, Infrastructure and facilities etc.