Planning to appear for GRE, here is simple strategy while solving your questions of the online exam. It is crucial exam for the MS admissions in USA.
GRE uses the software which will decide next question and range of your score depending on accuracy of your previous responses. So your questions will start from average complexity level and if you keep on answering correctly, questions will become tougher gradually. So if at end you start getting tough questions don’t worry, you are on right track.
You can’t skip questions. Because software will not know what question to give next. Since the software is designed like that you would want to go to higher range of marks by answering initial few questions accurately. So take little more time to solve initial question , make sure you are right twice and then move forward.
Also one more important thing is finishing all questions. Your score will be less if you solve half questions correctly and leave rest than if you solve half correctly and half incorrectly. If you are stuck at some problem for quite some time do intelligent guess and move on. Divide your time intelligently. You will take less time for questions such as antonyms and more time for passage reading etc.
Solve lot of sample tests and review where you are going wrong. Purchase sample tests , books if needed. That money is really worth spending. With little money spent on book you might end up saving a lot by getting scholarships or funding.
Final word is – low GRE score may not stop you from getting into good college but good score will definitely help.
MS Counseling, USA Education Counseling